Tag Archives: beer distributors

Call for texts: Mash Tun, A Craft Beer Journal

29 Jan


Mash Tun
A Journal about Craft Beer

The Mash Tun is a paean to craft beer. It follows the pleasures and aesthetics of craft beer and how it intersects with food, culture, and society.

The Mash Tun will feature interviews and profiles with brewery owners, beer lovers, brewmasters, beer distributors, scientists, industry impresarios, coopers, bottle makers, bar owners, home brewers and anyone who loves and is part of the process of making beer. There will features about figures in the industry as well as historical narratives. Short and long form entries will be interspersed with recipes, comics and photography featuring participating breweries, bars and restaurants.

The Mash Tun will be a four-color, 120-160 + page, perfect bound publication that takes the from of a journal and it will be published by Public Media Institute (PMI), producer of Lumpen, Proximity, Materiel and other periodicals. PMI is a non profit arts organization that produces publications, festivals and host cultural events in Chicago and sometimes elsewhere. Its home is in Bridgeport.

Volume 1 Issue 1 will launch during Craft Beer Week.

If you like writing about beer then you should participate. Send them a one paragraph pitch, a writing sample or two, and email edmarlumpen (at) gmail.com There is room for a few more pieces.

The deadline for texts on Issue 1 is March 1, 2012.